What is activity tracking?

Activity Tracking

How does tracking help you stay active?

Tracking your activity can help you see what you're doing well and where you could improve. Seeing your progress can inspire you to keep doing the things that are working well. It can also help you see when things got in your way.

How can you track your activity?

You can keep track of your activity in lots of ways. If you like, you can try:

Keeping a notebook or using a tracking form.

You can write daily entries about your activity.

Using a step counter or wearable device.

Step counters or wearable devices can help you see if you've reached your daily goal for steps. Some also can show you how many calories you've burned.

Using an app on your phone or tablet.

There are many apps that can track your steps or other activity and estimate how many calories you burn. Many of the apps are free.

Using a computer program.

You might keep track using a spreadsheet or other program.

These are just a few ways to get going on tracking. You probably have other ideas. What would work best for you?

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