Alcohol/drug slip up or relapse

Alcohol/Drug Slip Up or Relapse

What is alcohol or drug relapse?

A relapse is returning to using alcohol or drugs after having quit. Stopping substance use, whether you use alcohol or drugs, can be very hard. And having a relapse is common.

A short-term return to using is sometimes called a lapse. And a long-term return to using may be called a relapse.

If you return to using alcohol or drugs, that doesn't mean that you or your treatment has failed. It may mean that you just slipped up. If this is true for you, accept the mistake and move on. Try to find out why you returned to using. Then make changes in your life that can help you quit for good. You also may need more treatment or another type of treatment. Or you may need more time in support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

You might have several relapses, whether you have tried to quit substance use on your own or have had treatment. As time goes on, relapses usually occur less often and are shorter. Some people never have a relapse.

Alcohol or drugs: Dealing with relapse

If you begin using drugs or alcohol again, follow these steps.

  • Stop drinking or using the drug at once.

    Get rid of it. Pour it down the sink or flush it down the toilet. Leave the situation you are in if you can.

  • Keep calm.

    Remember your plan for what to do if you have a relapse. Remind yourself how hard you've worked to stay sober or drug-free.

  • Get support right away.

    Call the people listed on your relapse plan, or go to the places your plan lists.

  • Think about what happened.

    When you've stopped drinking or using drugs, find out what caused you to relapse. Think about how you can prevent it from happening again. Put this in your plan.

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