What is arm raise to the side?

Arm Raise to the Side

Arm Raise to the Side

Arm raise to the side

During this strengthening exercise your arm should stay about 30 degrees to the front of your side.

  • Slowly raise your injured arm to the side, with your thumb facing up. Raise your arm 60 degrees at the most (shoulder level is 90 degrees).
  • After holding the position for 3 to 5 seconds, lower your arm back to your side. If you need to, bring your "good" arm across your body and place it under the elbow as you lower your injured arm. Use your good arm to keep your injured arm from dropping down too fast during the downward motion.
  • Repeat 8 to 12 times.
  • When you first start out, don't hold any additional weight in your hand. As your strength improves, you may use a 1 lb to 2 lb (0.5 kg to 1 kg) dumbbell or a small can of food.

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