Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder that makes it very hard to interact with other people. A child with Asperger's syndrome may find it hard to make friends because he or she is socially awkward.
People with Asperger's syndrome have some traits of autism. For example, they may have poor social skills, prefer routine, and not like change. But unlike those who have autism, children with Asperger's syndrome usually start to talk before 2 years of age, when speech normally starts to develop in other children.
Asperger's syndrome is a lifelong condition, but symptoms tend to improve over time. Adults with this condition can learn to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. And they can improve their social skills.
Asperger's syndrome and autism belong to the group of disorders called autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). They were once known as pervasive developmental disorders. You may hear the term ASD used to describe Asperger's syndrome.
Asperger's syndrome is usually noticed at age 3 or later. Symptoms vary, so no two children are the same. Children with Asperger's:
If you are concerned that your child might have Asperger's syndrome, talk to your child's doctor. He or she will ask you about your child's development and ask if other people have noticed your child's social problems.
The doctor may refer you to a specialist to confirm or rule out Asperger's syndrome. The specialist may test your child's learning style, speech and language, IQ, social and motor skills, and more.
Asperger's syndrome is usually diagnosed during childhood. But an adult can be diagnosed with Asperger's or autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Treatment for Asperger's will be based on your child's symptoms. Treatment may change often so that it's most useful for your child.
Doctors, teachers, and mental health counselors can help your child improve his or her behavior and build social and learning skills. School programs, job training, and counseling can help too.
Federal law requires public schools to have programs for people ages 3 through 21 with special needs. This includes those with Asperger's. Contact your school district to find out what services are available for your child.
Many children with Asperger's syndrome also have other conditions, such as ADHD or depression. Those children may need other treatments, such as medicine, for those conditions.
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