What is assisted living?

Assisted Living

What are assisted-living facilities?

Assisted-living facilities are a type of housing for people who can provide most of their own care.

Here are some things to know about these facilities.

  • They may offer private rooms. Some rooms might have small kitchens.
  • Residents usually meet in a dining room for meals.
  • Housekeeping, laundry services, and social activities may be provided.
  • Some may have staff that can help with your medicines. And some have a nurse on staff to help with medical needs.

Some of these facilities are connected to a nursing home or memory care facility. You can move from the assisted-living facility to the nursing home when you can no longer provide your own care. Many of these facilities require that you move to a nursing home or hire a personal caregiver if you need skilled care.

When might you need a long-term care facility?

If you are having trouble taking care of yourself at home, you may want to move into a long-term care facility.

The choices for a long-term care facility may depend on how well you can do daily tasks. Some people can do basic activities on their own. But they may need help with things like preparing meals and sorting medicines. If this is the case for you, an assisted-living facility may be a good choice. These facilities provide meals and staff but not routine nursing care.

If you have trouble doing basic activities, you may get better care in a nursing home where the staff can help with eating and bathing. And in a nursing home, nurses can track your symptoms and help with your medicines.

If you decide to move to a long-term care facility, you may want to talk to family members or friends. You could make plans for them to come visit. This can help you stay connected.

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