Asthma attack

Asthma Attack

What is an asthma attack?

When asthma symptoms suddenly occur, it's called an asthma attack. It's also called an acute asthma episode, flare-up, or exacerbation. Attacks can be brief (about an hour) or last for several days. They may be seasonal (similar to hay fever) or occur during any season.

What are the symptoms of an asthma attack?

When you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is reduced.

During an asthma attack:

  • It may be hard to breathe. You may feel short of breath. And your breathing may be rapid or shallow.
  • You may feel like you can't take a deep breath (chest tightness). Children with chest tightness may complain of a stomachache.
  • You may make whistling noises when you breathe (wheezing).
  • You may cough.

Asthma symptoms may start suddenly or happen up to several hours after you have been exposed to triggers, such as tobacco smoke or animal dander. In some cases, symptoms may not occur until 4 to 12 hours after contact. Although severe attacks may seem to occur suddenly, they usually occur after several days of increasing symptoms.

How is an asthma attack diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, when they occur, and your past health. You will have a physical exam. A breathing test may be done to find out how well your lungs work.

How is an asthma attack treated?

Quick-relief medicines are given to relax the airways so you can breathe easier. Corticosteroid medicines are used to reduce inflammation. They may be inhaled or given as pills or a shot. Some asthma attacks may need treatment in the hospital. You may get extra oxygen or help with breathing if needed.

How can you manage a COPD or asthma flare-up caused by air pollution?

  • Don't panic. Quick treatment at home may help you prevent serious breathing problems.
  • Take your medicines exactly as your doctor tells you.
    • Use your quick-relief inhaler as directed by your doctor. If your symptoms don't get better after you use your medicine, have someone take you to the emergency room. Call an ambulance if necessary.
    • With inhaled medicines, a spacer or a nebulizer may help you get more medicine to your lungs. Ask your doctor or pharmacist how to use them the right way. Practice using the spacer in front of a mirror before you have a flare-up. This may help you get the medicine into your lungs quickly.
    • If your doctor has given you steroid pills, take them as directed.
    • Talk to your doctor if you have any problems with your medicine.

Asthma attack: When to call

Call 911 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if:

  • You have severe trouble breathing.

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • Your symptoms do not get better after you have followed your asthma action plan.
  • You have new or worse trouble breathing.
  • Your coughing and wheezing get worse.
  • You cough up dark brown or bloody mucus (sputum).
  • You have a new or higher fever.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • You need to use quick-relief medicine on more than 2 days a week within a month (unless it is just for exercise).
  • You cough more deeply or more often, especially if you notice more mucus or a change in the color of your mucus.
  • You are not getting better as expected.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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