What is asthma during pregnancy?

Asthma During Pregnancy
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How can you manage asthma during pregnancy by treating allergies?

It's common to have allergies, such as allergic rhinitis, along with asthma. Treating allergies is an important part of managing asthma during your pregnancy.

  • Try to avoid things that trigger your allergy symptoms (such as tobacco smoke or dust mites).
  • Ask your doctor about medicines to help control allergies. Corticosteroid medicines that are sprayed in the nose are safe to use during pregnancy. The antihistamines cetirizine and loratadine are sometimes recommended.
  • If you're already taking allergy shots, you may keep getting them. But starting allergy shots when you're pregnant isn't recommended.
  • Talk to your doctor before using decongestants you take by mouth (oral decongestants). There may be better treatment options.

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