What is belly (diaphragmatic) breathing?

Belly (Diaphragmatic) Breathing

Belly (diaphragmatic) breathing (postpartum)

  1. Lie on your back, or prop yourself up on several pillows.
  2. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest.
  3. Breathe in slowly through your nose. When you breathe in, push your belly out as far as possible. You should feel the hand on your belly move out, while the hand on your chest does not move.
  4. Breathe out slowly through your mouth. When you breathe out, you should feel the hand on your belly move in.

Try to practice this breathing method 1 or 2 times a day for 3 to 5 minutes each time.

When you can do this type of breathing well while lying down, learn to do it while sitting or standing.

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