What is body temperature problems in newborns?

Body Temperature Problems in Newborns
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How is a high or low body temperature in newborns treated?

Your doctor will watch your baby carefully to make sure the high or low temperature is not a problem. Your doctor will:

  • Check to see if your baby has an infection.
  • Check your baby's weight. This is to find out if your baby is getting enough to eat.
  • Take steps to treat your baby's temperature.
    • For a low temperature, your doctor may use an incubator or plastic hoods or blankets. Or the doctor may ask a caregiver to hold the baby skin-to-skin. This is called kangaroo care.
    • For a high temperature, your doctor may tell you to take the covers off your baby. Or your doctor may give your baby acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Is a high or low body temperature a problem in newborns?

Often, a high or low temperature is not a problem. It may mean that your baby is getting used to life outside the womb.

But sometimes it can be a sign of a problem. Your baby may have an infection.

Other things can cause a high or low temperature:

  • A newborn may have a fever if the mother had a fever before she gave birth.
  • The baby may be wearing too many clothes. Or the baby may have too many blankets.

What is a high or low body temperature in newborns?

A normal body temperature is 98.6°F (37°C). But in newborns, the temperature maybe be higher or lower than this. That's because the body usually keeps its temperature within a safe range. But in a newborn, this may not happen for several days to weeks.

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