What is boil?



A boil (furuncle) is a red, swollen, painful bump under the skin caused by an infected hair follicle. Bacteria from the infection forms a pocket of pus (abscess), which can become large and cause severe pain.

Boils occur most often on the face, neck, breasts, buttocks, in the groin area, and in the armpits. Depending on their size and location, many boils can be treated at home with warm compresses and by keeping the skin over the boil clean when it opens and drains. A doctor may need to open large boils and boils on the face or near the spine or anal area to avoid more serious infections.

What are the symptoms of boils?

Boils are red, swollen, painful bumps under the skin caused by an infected hair follicle. Bacteria from the infection forms a pocket of pus (abscess), which can become large and cause severe pain. Boils are often on the face, neck, breasts, buttocks, the groin area, and in the armpits.

How are boils treated?

Your doctor may want to cut a small opening in the boil so that the pus can drain out. This is called lancing the boil. The doctor will numb the area first. Sometimes gauze is placed in the cut so that it stays open and keeps draining. You may be prescribed antibiotics.

How can you prevent boils?

If you often get boils in the same spot, gently wash the area well with soapy water every day. Always dry the area well. Do not wear tight clothing over the area.

If you have many boils, your doctor may prescribe a cream or ointment that you put inside your nose. This is because the bacteria that usually cause boils sometimes live inside the nose and then spread to other areas, including your skin. Your doctor may also advise you to take antibiotics for a longer time than normal. These medicines may help keep boils from coming back.

How are boils diagnosed?

Your doctor will give you a physical exam to see if you have a boil. They will also ask about your symptoms. Your doctor may do a test on the pus to look for a possible cause of the boil.

How do you care for yourself when you have boils?

You can sometimes care for a boil at home. But don't try to drain the boil. Wash the area with soap and water twice daily. Put warm, wet cloths on the boil for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. If the boil is draining on its own, let it drain.

What are boils?

Boils are red, swollen, painful bumps under the skin. They often look like an overgrown pimple. They are often caused by infected hair follicles. Bacteria from the infection form a pocket of pus. Boils can happen in an area where skin rubs. They may become large and cause severe pain.

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