Broken collarbone in newborns

Broken Collarbone in Newborns

What is a broken collarbone in newborns?

A broken collarbone is a break or crack in the bone that connects the shoulder to the chest. This bone also supports the shoulder.

The break may happen during delivery. It usually is not a serious problem. Your baby may have less movement on the injured side and feel some pain and be fussy at first. But the pain will go away as the bone heals.

The doctor may find the break when examining your baby after birth. Your baby may get an X-ray to find out for sure if the collarbone is broken. The doctor will also check to see if there are any other problems with your baby's arms and shoulders.

Your baby may have some swelling, redness, or bruising. You may feel a bump on the collarbone. The bump is normal. It is a sign that the bone is healing. It may get smaller with time.

What are the symptoms of a broken collarbone in newborns?

Symptoms of a broken collarbone include swelling or bruising. Your baby may not move the injured arm and may cry when someone else moves it. You may see or feel a bump on your baby's collarbone.

What can you expect if your newborn has a broken collarbone?

Your baby will be kept comfortable and warm while being seen by the doctor. It may seem that your baby is getting lots of tests. All of these tests help your doctor keep track of your baby's condition and give the best treatment possible. The doctor or nurse will give you instructions about how to care for your baby's collarbone.

How is a broken collarbone in newborns treated?

A broken collarbone doesn't need a cast or surgery. It will heal on its own within several weeks. It shouldn't cause problems in the future. The doctor will watch your baby closely to make sure that the bone is healing well.

How can you care for your newborn who has a broken collarbone?

To protect your baby's collarbone, try dressing your baby in long-sleeved tops. Put the arm of the injured side in the sleeve first. Use a safety pin to attach the sleeve to the shirt near your baby's side. When undressing your baby, remove the arm of the injured side from the sleeve last.

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