What is cancer diagnosis?

Cancer Diagnosis
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What are some things to think about when your child has a cancer diagnosis?

  • Some tumors are aggressive and need treatment right away. But most cancer grows slowly enough that you can take a little time to find out more about your child's cancer as you decide about treatment.
  • Talk to your child. Answer all of your child's questions honestly. If you don't know the answers, help your child find out.
  • Ask any questions you might have. You can talk to the doctor, nurses, counselors, and other advisors.
  • Talk to family, friends, and supporters. Get the kinds of help you need.
  • Think about getting a second opinion from another doctor. Before your child starts major treatment, it's a good idea to check with another doctor about the type of cancer your child has and what stage it is. Your child's doctor or insurance company can recommend someone for a second opinion.

Coping with your child's cancer diagnosis

If your child has been diagnosed with cancer, here are things you can do to cope.

  • Be gentle with yourself.

    Your feelings may change from day to day. You might blame yourself or others. This cancer isn't your fault, and the feelings you're having are part of adjusting to the diagnosis.

  • Learn as much as you can, when you're ready.

    Learning about the cancer can prepare you to talk with the doctor, ask questions, and make decisions. Make sure the information you get is medically trusted. Ask your child's doctor for good sources.

  • Ask questions.

    There's a lot to remember during this time. Take notes if you can or ask someone you trust to take them for you while you listen. Keep the information you collect in one place. When you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask questions.

  • Get support.

    Talk with your child's doctor or a hospital social worker about individual or group counseling. They may also know about support groups in your area or online for parents of children who have cancer. It can help to talk to people who share your experience and know what you're going through.

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