Cancer pain

Cancer Pain

What is cancer pain?

Cancer pain may be caused by the cancer or by the treatments and tests used. The pain may make it hard for you to do your normal activities, such as sleeping or eating. Over time, cancer pain can cause appetite and sleep problems, isolation, and depression.

But most cancer pain can be managed with medicines and other methods. This may not mean that you have no pain but that it stays at a level that you can bear. Treating your pain will make you feel better. You will be more active, eat and sleep better, and enjoy your family and friends.

How is cancer pain treated?

Pain control often starts with medicine. Both prescription and over-the-counter medicines may be used. Your doctor may suggest different drugs, different combinations, or different doses as your pain changes.

A doctor may use treatments such as radiation or surgery. These treatments can remove, destroy, or shrink a tumor that causes pain. For nerve pain, a doctor may give a shot of numbing medicine near the nerve. Or sometimes medicine is put directly into the spine.

Some people use other treatments along with medical treatments. These include:

  • Home treatments, such as heat and cold packs or distraction.
  • Complementary therapies. These include acupuncture and meditation.

What home treatments may help with cancer pain?

Home treatment may help to reduce cancer pain and improve your physical and mental well-being. Talk to your doctor about any home treatment you may use.

Heat and cold.

Heat and cold treatments can help with mild to moderate pain from cancer. Talk to your doctor before trying either heat or cold during chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

Gentle massage.

Simple touch or gentle massage may help reduce pain and ease tension. Avoid massage in any areas where you have visible tumors, open wounds, skin that is tender from radiation, or a blood clot in a vein.


Distraction can help you focus your attention on something other than pain. This may make the pain easier to handle.

Physical activity.

Physical activity can help reduce pain and fatigue. It can also can help with your emotional and mental health. Talk to your doctor before you increase your level of activity.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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