Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic Pancreatitis

What is chronic pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is long-term inflammation of the pancreas that leads to scarring and permanent damage. It can cause pain and problems digesting food. It can also cause diabetes.

What are the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis?

The main symptom is pain in the upper part of the belly. The pain may be mild, and it may feel like it goes through the belly to the back. Sitting up or leaning forward sometimes eases the pain. Pain may be constant or it may come and go.

How is chronic pancreatitis treated?

For chronic pancreatitis, you should not drink alcohol. You may need pain medicine, insulin, and enzyme pills. If you have gallstones or there is severe damage to the pancreas, you may need a procedure or surgery.

How can you care for yourself when you have chronic pancreatitis?

If you have chronic pancreatitis caused by alcohol use, you'll need to quit drinking to reduce severe pain and other problems that can happen (complications). If you drink large amounts of alcohol when you have chronic pancreatitis, it can shorten your life.

It's not clear how your diet might affect pancreatitis. But doctors recommend that you eat low-fat foods and stay at a healthy weight.

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