What is collapsed lung?

Collapsed Lung

Collapsed lung (pneumothorax): Overview

A collapsed lung (pneumothorax) is a buildup of air in the space between the lung and the chest wall. The pressure of the air against the lung makes the lung collapse. Your lung cannot fully expand when you inhale. This causes shortness of breath and chest pain.

A collapsed lung is usually caused by an injury to the chest. It may also occur suddenly because of a lung illness, such as emphysema or lung fibrosis. A lung may collapse after lung surgery or another medical procedure. Sometimes it happens for no known reason.

Treatment can depend on the cause and severity of the collapsed lung. Treatment can also depend on whether the problem has returned. Some people stay in the hospital for treatment. In some cases, oxygen may be given (through a mask). It may heal with rest, but your doctor will need to check you. It can take several days for the lung to expand again. Your doctor may have drained the excess air from your chest with a needle or tube. Sometimes surgery is done to help keep the lung inflated.

The doctor will want to keep track of your progress. So you will need a follow-up exam to check your lungs. You may need further treatment if you are not getting better.

A collapsed lung may happen again. Watch for symptoms. If you have shortness of breath or chest pain, get medical treatment right away.

Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)

A pneumothorax (collapsed lung) is a buildup of air in the space between the lung and the chest wall. This pressure keeps the lung from expanding fully when you inhale. This can cause shortness of breath and chest pain.

A pneumothorax can be caused by an injury to the chest, such as a broken rib or a puncture wound. It may also occur suddenly because of a lung illness, such as COPD or pneumonia. Or a lung may collapse after lung surgery or another medical procedure. Sometimes it happens for no known reason.

Treatment can depend on the cause and severity of the pneumothorax. Some people stay in the hospital. A pneumothorax may be treated with rest. Oxygen may be used. A needle or a chest tube may be placed in the chest cavity to relieve the pressure on the lung. Sometimes surgery is done.

What are the symptoms of a pneumothorax?

Symptoms may include shortness of breath and sudden, severe, sharp chest pain. Shortness of breath may be mild or severe, depending on how much of the lung is collapsed. Symptoms may get worse with altitude changes. In more severe cases, symptoms will develop rapidly and may lead to shock.

How is a pneumothorax treated?

Treatment can depend on the cause and severity of the pneumothorax. Some people stay in the hospital. A pneumothorax may be treated with rest. Oxygen may be used. A needle or a chest tube may be placed in the chest cavity to relieve the pressure on the lung. Sometimes surgery is done.

How is a pneumothorax diagnosed?

A pneumothorax usually is diagnosed through a physical exam and a chest X-ray. Your doctor may also do blood tests to measure the level of oxygen in your blood. You may need a CT scan or ultrasound to diagnose the severity of your condition. These tests will also help the doctor plan your treatment.

How can you care for your child who has a collapsed lung?

  • Help your child get plenty of rest and sleep. Your child may feel weak and tired for a while, but your child's energy level will improve with time.
  • Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
    • If your child is not taking a prescription pain medicine, ask your doctor if your child can take an over-the-counter medicine.
    • If the doctor gave your child a prescription medicine for pain, give it as prescribed.
    • Store your child's prescription pain medicines where no one else can get to them. When you are done using them, dispose of them quickly and safely. Your local pharmacy or hospital may have a drop-off site.
  • If the doctor prescribed antibiotics for your child, give them as directed. Do not stop using them just because your child feels better. Your child needs to take the full course of antibiotics.
  • If your child has a bandage over the chest tube, or the place where the chest tube was inserted, keep it clean and dry. Follow your doctor's instructions on bandage care.
  • If your child goes home with a tube in place, follow the doctor's directions. Do not adjust the tube in any way. This could break the seal or cause other problems. Keep the tube dry.
  • Do not let your child exercise until your doctor says it's okay.
  • Do not let your child fly in an airplane or scuba dive until your doctor tells you it is okay.
  • Keep your child away from smoke. Do not smoke or let anyone else smoke around your child or in your house.

What puts you at risk for another pneumothorax?

If you have had one pneumothorax, you have an increased risk for another. People who smoke cigarettes are more likely to develop a pneumothorax than those who don't. If you smoke, quitting smoking can reduce your risk of another pneumothorax.

What causes a pneumothorax?

A pneumothorax is often caused by an injury to the chest. These can be things like a broken rib or puncture wound. It may also occur suddenly without an injury.

A pneumothorax can result from damage to the lungs. This can be caused by conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and pneumonia. A pneumothorax can also occur in people who don't have lung disease. This happens when an air-filled blister (bleb) on the lung ruptures and releases air into the pleural space.

What is a pneumothorax?

A collapsed lung (pneumothorax) is a buildup of air in the space between the lung and the chest wall. The pressure of the air against the lung causes the lung to collapse. This keeps your lung from expanding fully when you inhale. This can cause shortness of breath and chest pain.

Collapsed lung in children: When to call

Call 911 anytime you think your child may need emergency care. For example, call if:

  • Your child has severe trouble breathing.
  • Your child has severe chest pain.
  • Your child passes out (loses consciousness).

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • Your child has new or worse trouble breathing.
  • Your child has new or worse pain.
  • Your child coughs up blood.
  • Your child's chest tube comes out or is bent or blocked.
  • Your child is bleeding through the bandage where the tube was put in.
  • Your child has symptoms of infection where the tube was put in, such as:
    • Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness.
    • Red streaks leading from the area.
    • Pus draining from the area.
    • A fever.

Watch closely for changes in your child's health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • The skin around the place where the chest tube was put in is red or irritated.
  • Your child does not get better as expected.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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