Diabetic foot problems

Diabetic Foot Problems

What are diabetic foot problems?

Diabetic foot problems are injuries to your feet caused by diabetes. Diabetes can damage nerves in your feet. This can make your feet numb and change how you walk. You may not feel a blister, callus, or other foot injury. Without treatment, a small injury can become a larger sore (ulcer) or get infected.

How are diabetic foot problems treated?

Foot problems from diabetes are treated by keeping blood sugar levels in your target range. Other types of treatment include medicine, special shoes, and surgery.

Treatment for foot ulcers includes keeping weight off your injured foot. A cast or special boot, shoe inserts, crutches, a wheelchair, or bed rest may be used. Foot infections are treated with antibiotics.

Sometimes an ulcer or infection becomes severe and the tissue in the foot dies (gangrene). If this happens, toes, part or all of the foot, and sometimes part of the leg may be removed (amputated).

Bone and joint deformities can develop on the feet, such as hammer, claw, and mallet toes or Charcot foot. Surgery may be needed to remove bone that is causing these problems.

Check your feet regularly for small injuries. Tell your doctor right away about calluses, blisters, cracked or peeling skin, and athlete's foot. And get regular foot exams.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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