What is dissociative identity disorder?

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)

Dissociative identity disorder (in the past called multiple personality disorder) is a rare condition in which a person has two or more separate personalities. The person often does not know that the other personalities exist. And he or she cannot recall events that occur when the other personalities are active.

The condition is not due to substance use or another medical condition.

Dissociative identity disorder is likely linked to severe childhood trauma. The person's defense mechanism separates different aspects of his or her own personality in order to deal with the physical and emotional pain. Eventually, new "personalities" emerge and establish their own lifestyles in the same individual.

Professional counseling is usually the main treatment for this condition. The goal is to slowly merge the different aspects of the personalities together (integration).

What are the symptoms of dissociative identity disorder (DID)?

Having separate personalities can change behavior and cause memory loss. And it can affect how a person thinks, feels, and acts. People with DID may feel anxious and stressed about the effects that separate personalities have on their life.

How is dissociative identity disorder (DID) treated?

Counseling is usually the main treatment for DID. The goal is to slowly merge the different personality traits together. This is called integration.

Treatment may include:


Types may include supportive, cognitive, or cognitive-behavioral therapy.


This can include learning self-hypnosis and calming techniques.


Antidepressants may be helpful.

How is dissociative identity disorder (DID) diagnosed?

A mental health professional usually diagnoses DID while treating the person for other conditions like anxiety, depression, or trauma-related disorders.

What causes dissociative identity disorder (DID)?

DID may be a response to childhood trauma. People with DID may form separate personalities to deal with physical and emotional pain.

What is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a rare mental health condition. It was once known as multiple personality disorder. People who have it have two or more separate personalities. But they often don't know that the other personalities exist. And they can't remember things that happen when the other personalities are active.

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