Patching treatment for amblyopia will be more effective if your child's weak eye has to work harder while the normal eye is patched. Games and activities that require visual acuity and eye-hand coordination work well.
At first, your child's coordination may not be good because the brain is still learning how to use the weaker eye. Easy activities will help build your child's confidence.
Coloring books, paint books, and crafts such as cutting and pasting are all fun activities that require good eye-hand coordination.
Tossing beanbags or small balls (such as ping-pong balls) into buckets or other containers can be a fun and challenging activity. Keep in mind that with one eye patched, your child's depth perception will be reduced, and your child may have some difficulty with toss games.
Picture books and reading require close visual attention. Even if your child is not reading yet, looking at the pictures in children's books is a good way to make the weak eye work during patching. Have your child look at the details of the pictures. If your child is learning to read, help them work through the text.
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