What is first aid for eye injuries?

First Aid for Eye Injuries
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Caring for a fishhook eye injury

Fishhook injuries to the eye are rare. When they occur, they can cause a serious injury, including blindness. Prompt emergency room or ophthalmology care is needed to remove the fishhook, prevent complications, and minimize damage from the fishhook.

Do the following, and then seek emergency care:

  • Do not try to remove a fishhook from an eye, eyelid, or near an eye.
  • Do not put pressure on the eye.
  • Cover the eye and fishhook with a metal patch, a cup, or even a paper cup.

    Covering the eye prevents the hook from moving.

    Be very careful not to put pressure on the hook or the eye.

  • Cover the uninjured eye, if possible.

    The injured eye will move less if the uninjured eye is covered. This may prevent further damage to the injured eye.

How to clean a minor cut near the eye

Here are steps to take to clean a minor cut near the eye.

  1. Stop the bleeding
    • Wear medical gloves, or if gloves are not available, use a clean cloth or plastic bag or cleanest material available.
    • Apply light pressure to a very minor skin cut near the eye to stop the bleeding.
    Do not apply any pressure to the eyeball.
  2. Clean the cut.
    • Wash your hands and wear gloves if they are available.
    • Wash the cut under running tap water and use a washcloth to remove all the dirt, debris, and bacteria from the wound.
  3. Bandage the cut.
    • Use a sterile bandage if you have one.
    • If you don't have one, use a clean bandage or cloth.
    • Don't use fluffy cotton bandages around the eye. They could come apart and stick to the eye.
  4. Decide if more care is needed.
    • If the cut is more than very minor or if you are concerned, have the cut evaluated by a health professional.
    • A small cut on the inner eyelid may damage tear ducts and should be evaluated.

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