What is first aid for possible spinal injury?

First Aid for Possible Spinal Injury
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First aid treatment for a possible spinal injury: Overview

The possibility of a spinal injury must be considered anytime an accident involves the head, face, neck, or back. Permanent paralysis may be avoided if the injured person is kept from moving (immobilized) and is transported correctly.

Do not move the person.

If you think the person may have a spinal injury, do not move them unless there is an immediate threat to their life, such as a fire. If there is immediate danger, keep the person's head and neck supported and in a straight line while you move them to a safe place.

Do not remove the person from the water if they were in a diving accident. Float the person face up in the water until help arrives.

Call emergency services.

Call 911 or other emergency services to transport the injured person if you think they may have a spinal injury. This will reduce the risk of more injury to the spinal cord.

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