Heart failure

Heart Failure

What is heart failure?

Heart failure means that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Failure doesn't mean that your heart has stopped. It means that your heart isn't pumping as well as it should.

Because your heart cannot pump well, your body tries to make up for it. To do this:

  • Your body holds on to salt and water. This increases the amount of blood in your bloodstream.
  • Your heart beats faster.
  • Your heart might get bigger.

Your body has an amazing ability to make up for heart failure. It may do such a good job that you don't know you have a disease. But at some point, your heart and body will no longer be able to keep up. Then fluid starts to build up in your lungs and other parts of your body.

This fluid buildup is called congestion. It's why some doctors call the disease congestive heart failure.

What are the symptoms of heart failure?

Symptoms of heart failure start to happen when your heart can't pump enough blood to the rest of your body.

In the early stages of heart failure, you may:

  • Feel tired easily.
  • Be short of breath when you exert yourself.
  • Feel like your heart is pounding or racing (palpitations).
  • Feel weak or dizzy.

As heart failure gets worse, fluid starts to build up in your lungs and other parts of your body. This may cause you to:

  • Feel short of breath even at rest.
  • Have swelling (edema), especially in your legs, ankles, and feet.
  • Gain weight. This may happen over just a day or two, or more slowly.
  • Cough or wheeze, especially when you lie down.
  • Feel bloated or sick to your stomach.

How is heart failure diagnosed?

Your doctor may diagnose heart failure from your symptoms and a physical exam. But you will have more tests to find the cause and type of heart failure so that you can get the right treatment. Common tests include:

Echocardiogram (echo).
This is an ultrasound exam of the heart. An echo can help your doctor find out if you have heart failure, what type it is, and what is causing it.
Blood tests.
Routine blood tests can help your doctor identify the cause of heart failure and find out if your kidneys and liver have been affected.
Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG).
An EKG is done to find any problems with your heart rhythm. It can also show signs of damage to the heart.
Chest X-ray.
A chest X-ray gives your doctor a picture of your heart, lungs, and major blood vessels.

How is heart failure treated?

Heart failure is treated with medicines, a healthy lifestyle, and the steps you take to check your symptoms.

Treatment can slow the disease, help you feel better, and help keep you out of the hospital. Treatment may also help you live longer.

  • You'll probably take several medicines.
  • Have a heart-healthy lifestyle that includes limiting sodium, getting regular exercise, not smoking, and eating healthy foods.
  • Watch for changes in your symptoms.
  • Cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) can give you education and support that help you stay as healthy as possible.
  • You may get a heart device such as a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).
  • You may choose palliative care to help improve your quality of life.
  • As heart failure gets worse, you may have other options such as a ventricular assist device or a heart transplant. You can do advance care planning to decide what kind of care you want at the end of your life.

How can you care for yourself when you have heart failure?

There are many steps you can take to feel better, stay active, and enjoy life.

Take your medicine the right way.
Avoid medicines that can make your symptoms worse.
Check your weight and symptoms every day.
Know what to do if your symptoms get worse.
Limit sodium.
This helps keep fluid from building up. It may help you feel better.
Be active.
Exercise regularly, but don't exercise too hard.
Be heart-healthy.
Eat healthy foods, stay at a healthy weight, limit or avoid alcohol, and don't smoke.
Stay as healthy as possible.
Manage other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Get recommended vaccines, including vaccines for COVID-19, the flu, and pneumonia. Get help for depression and anxiety, and manage stress. If you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor.

Your doctor may also recommend that you limit the amount of fluids you drink.

When should you get help if you think your heart failure is getting worse?

Try to become familiar with signs that mean your heart failure is getting worse. If you need help, talk with your doctor about making a personal plan.

Here are some things to watch for as you practice your daily self-care. Call your doctor if:

  • You have sudden weight gain, such as more than 2 to 3 pounds in a day or 5 pounds in a week. (Your doctor may suggest a different range of weight gain.)
  • You have new or worse swelling in your feet, ankles, or legs.
  • Your breathing gets worse. Activities that did not make you short of breath before are hard for you now.
  • Your breathing when you lie down is worse than usual, or you wake up at night needing to catch your breath.

Be sure to make and go to all of your follow-up appointments. And it's always a good idea to call your doctor anytime you have a sudden change in symptoms.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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