What is hernias?


Hernia: Overview

A hernia develops when tissue bulges through a weak spot in the wall of your belly. The groin area and the navel are common areas for a hernia. A hernia can also develop near the area of a surgery you had before.

Pressure from lifting, straining, or coughing can tear the weak area, causing the hernia to bulge and be painful.

If you cannot push a hernia back into place, the tissue may become trapped outside the belly wall. If the hernia gets twisted and loses its blood supply, it will swell and die. This is called a strangulated hernia. It usually causes a lot of pain. It needs treatment right away.

Some hernias need to be repaired to prevent a strangulated hernia. If your hernia causes symptoms or is large, you may need surgery.


A hernia is tissue from inside the abdomen that bulges out through a weak spot in the muscles of the abdominal (belly) wall. The weak spot may have been present since birth or may develop after surgery or from violent or ongoing coughing, lifting heavy objects, or aging.

There are several types of hernias:

  • A femoral hernia appears as a bulge on the top of the thigh.
  • A hiatal hernia is a part of the stomach bulging up through the diaphragm (the wall of muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity).
  • An incisional hernia occurs after surgery to the wall of the abdomen.
  • An inguinal hernia occurs when a small portion of the bowel or other tissue bulges into the groin.
  • An umbilical hernia appears in the belly button. A periumbilical hernia is similar to an umbilical hernia, but it occurs next to the belly button.

A person with a hernia often feels pain, pressure, or burning or feels like something has given way.

What are common types of hernias?

A hernia is a bulge caused by tissue pushing through the wall of muscle that's holding it in. Most hernias are in the belly and groin areas. Common types of hernias include inguinal, femoral, umbilical, incisional, epigastric, and hiatal.

How can you care for a hernia?

  • Take care when lifting heavy objects.
  • Stay at a healthy weight.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking can cause coughing, which can cause your hernia to bulge. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for good.
  • Talk with your doctor before wearing a corset or truss for a hernia. These devices are not recommended for treating hernias and sometimes can do more harm than good. There may be certain situations when your doctor thinks a truss would work, but these are rare.

When should you call for help?

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • You have new or worse belly pain.
  • You are vomiting.
  • You cannot pass stools or gas.
  • You cannot push the hernia back into place with gentle pressure when you are lying down.
  • The area over the hernia turns red or becomes tender.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if you have any problems.

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