What is human parechovirus (pev)?

Human Parechovirus (PeV)
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Human parechovirus (PeV)

Human parechovirus (PeV) is a virus that can make young babies very sick. It's most common in babies and children, but anyone can get it. Symptoms can include a fever, a skin rash, a runny nose, a cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. Most people will have mild symptoms or none at all (asymptomatic).

PeV can spread through stool, saliva, or direct contact with a person who is sick. To help limit the spread, wash your hands after you go to the bathroom or change your baby's diaper. Wash your hands before you eat.

Home treatment includes getting plenty of fluids and rest. Because young babies can get very sick, take them to the doctor if they have a fever or rash or if they seem sick.

What is human parechovirus (PeV)?

Human parechovirus (PeV) is a virus that can make young babies very sick. It's most common in babies and young children, but anyone can get it. Symptoms can include fever, skin rash, runny nose, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. Most people get better with home treatment. Young babies may need treatment in the hospital.

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