What is huntington disease?

Huntington Disease

Huntington Disease: Overview

Huntington disease is a rare condition that causes parts of the brain to break down, or degenerate. It is also called Huntington chorea. The disease causes rapid, jerky body movements and the loss of mental skills (dementia). Huntington disease can cause personality changes, behavior problems, and memory loss. Symptoms usually develop after age 40. There is no known cure. But treatment with medicines may help control the involuntary movements and behavior changes.

Huntington disease is caused by a change, or mutation, in a gene. If you have a parent with the disease, you have a 50% chance of getting the changed gene and the disease. But there is no way to know when you will develop Huntington disease. Some people may pass on the changed gene to a child before knowing that they themselves have the changed gene.

A blood test can show whether you have the changed gene. You may want to have genetic counseling if you are thinking of having the test. Medical geneticists and genetic counselors are experts who can explain what the test means, tell you the benefits and risks of the test, and answer your questions. But you make the decision about whether to have the test.

Huntington disease

Huntington disease is a rare inherited (genetic) condition that causes parts of the brain to break down and lose some normal functions (degeneration). It is also called Huntington chorea.

Symptoms of the disease usually develop after age 40 and include rapid, jerky movements (twitches in the face and jerks of the arms) that cannot be controlled (chorea) and the gradual loss of mental abilities (dementia), leading to personality changes, behavior problems, and memory loss.

There is no known cure for the disease. Treatment with medicines may help control the involuntary movements.

How is Huntington disease treated?

Treatment for Huntington disease can help control your symptoms. It doesn't stop the disease. But it can improve your quality of life.

Treatment may include:


Your doctor may give you medicines to help control unwanted body movements and manage emotional symptoms like depression.

Speech therapy.

A speech-language pathologist can help you learn ways to improve your speech or language skills. He or she can also help you learn ways to make swallowing easier.

Physical therapy.

Unwanted body movements can make it hard to walk. A physical therapist can help you improve your walking and reduce your risk of falling. He or she can also help you use a cane or walker.

High-calorie diet.

People with Huntington disease have a fast metabolism. They may need to eat a high-calorie diet to prevent weight loss.

What is Huntington disease?

Huntington disease is a rare condition. It causes parts of the brain to break down, or degenerate, over time. It's passed down through family genes (inherited). The disease causes jerky body movements and loss of mental abilities (dementia). It also causes personality changes. There is no known cure for Huntington disease.

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