Incision care

Incision Care
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How can you care for your incision after surgery?

If you have a cut (incision), follow your doctor's instructions. If you didn't get instructions, follow this general advice:

  • You'll have a bandage over the cut. This helps the incision heal and protects it.
    • Change the bandage daily or more often if needed.
    • If you have strips of tape on the cut, leave them on until they fall off.
    • If you have stitches or staples, your doctor will tell you when to have them removed.
    • If you have skin glue (liquid stitches), leave it on until it falls off.
  • Gently wash the area daily with warm water, and pat it dry. Don't use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  • You may shower 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Before showering, cover the bandage with a plastic bag or use another method of keeping it dry. Pat the incision dry if it gets damp. Don't swim or take a bath until your doctor tells you it's okay.

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