Inpatient ambulation

Inpatient Ambulation

What does it mean to get moving in the hospital?

Mobility is being able to move the parts of your body that help you get from place to place. But being in the hospital can make it hard to move. Some injuries and conditions can make you spend a lot of time in bed. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to find ways to move. When you move as much as you can, even in bed, you are helping your body heal.

Why is it important to get moving in the hospital?

When your body is moving, you are helping to prevent health problems that can happen from lying in a bed. Moving can:

  • Help keep muscles strong and joints flexible.
  • Improve how well you can move air in and out of your lungs.
  • Help keep your memory sharp and your mind active.
  • Help you live longer.

If you are in bed and aren't moving much, you may:

  • Be more at risk for getting blood clots in your legs.
  • Lose strength and some of your range of motion.
  • Start to get skin problems, such as pressure injuries.
  • Have health problems like pneumonia or a urinary infection or become constipated.

How is early mobility after surgery done?

You may start your early mobility in an intensive care unit or in another part of the hospital.

Doctors will manage your pain. But make sure that you're alert enough to start doing some of the movements.

Even if you're on a ventilator, which helps you breathe, or you have an IV, which provides fluids to your body, you can still do some of the early mobility activities. A nurse, a physical therapist, or some other member of your care team will work with you on the movements. This person will make sure that you're safe. For the early part of your recovery, you will have help when you are moving around.

Small movements may be harder than you think they should be. This is normal after surgery. These small movements can make a big difference in your recovery.

How can you move more when you are in the hospital?

Don't be afraid to move during a hospital stay. Change your position often to help prevent problems like pressure injuries. You can practice sitting up and getting in and out of bed safely. As soon as your doctor okays it, eat your meals in a chair and go for short walks.

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