What is interpersonal violence?

Interpersonal Violence

What are signs of abuse-related injuries?

Most injuries are not caused by abuse. But bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when:

  • Any injury cannot be explained or does not match the explanation.
  • Repeated injuries occur.
  • Explanations change for how the injury happened.

You may be able to prevent further injuries by reporting abuse. Seek help if:

  • You suspect child abuse or elder abuse. Call your local child or adult protective agency, police, or a health professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or counselor.
  • You or someone you know is experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV).
  • You have trouble controlling your anger with a child or other person in your care.

What can you do if you feel threatened with physical abuse?

If you feel threatened, be sure to have a plan for keeping yourself safe. If a family member or someone else has threatened to harm you or your child, seek help.

  • If you need help right away, call 911.
  • Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233) or see the website at www.thehotline.org for free, confidential counseling and information about local community resources.
  • Tell someone, such as the police, a trusted friend, a faith leader, or a health professional. If the incident occurred at work, contact your human resources department for help.
  • Find local resources that can help in a crisis. Your local police department, mental health clinic, or hospital has information on shelters and safe homes.
  • Be alert to warning signs, such as threats or drunkenness, so that you can avoid a dangerous situation. If you can't predict when violence may occur, have an exit plan you can use in an emergency.
  • If a child tells you that they have been abused, stay calm. Tell the child that you believe them and that you will do your best to keep them safe. Report the abuse to the local police or child protective services agency.

If you are no longer living with a violent person, contact the police to get a restraining order if your abuser continues to pursue you and act violently toward you.

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