What is lactation consultant?

Lactation Consultant
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Lactation consultant

A lactation consultant or specialist is often a nurse who has been trained to teach and advise women about breastfeeding. Lactation consultants may be associated with birth units in hospitals.

Lactation consultants are often most helpful for women who:

  • Have never breastfed before.
  • Have had previous problems breastfeeding.
  • Have a chronic health problem, such as diabetes.
  • Have had breast surgery.
  • Are breastfeeding more than one child.
  • Plan to breastfeed while working outside the home.
  • Need help using a breast pump.
  • Have problems with breast or nipple pain.
  • Have a baby who does not seem to be breastfeeding well.
  • Have a special-needs baby, such as one who was born premature or with a health problem that may interfere with breastfeeding.

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