What is leg lifts on your hands and knees?

Leg Lifts on Your Hands and Knees

Leg Lift Crawl

Leg-lift-crawl exercise

This exercise strengthens your back and abdomen muscles.

  • Positioned on hands and knees, place your hands directly under your shoulders and straighten your arms.
  • Tighten your belly muscles by pulling in your belly button toward your spine. Be sure you continue to breathe normally, and do not hold your breath.
  • Lift your left knee and bring it toward your elbow.
  • Slowly extend your leg behind you without completely straightening it. Be careful not to let your hip drop down. Avoid arching your back.
  • Hold your leg behind you for about 6 seconds.
  • Return to your starting position.
  • Do the same exercise with your other leg.

Repeat 8 to 12 times for each leg.

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