What is long-term control medicines?

Long-Term Control Medicines
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Long-acting bronchodilator for children: Overview

Bronchodilators are medicines that make it easier to breathe. They relax the airways of the lungs. They are usually given through an inhaler. The inhaler makes a fine mist. Your child breathes the mist through their mouth and into their lungs.

These medicines come in two forms: short-acting and long-acting. The short-acting form is used to treat asthma attacks. The long-acting form is used every day to control chronic asthma. This form is always used with an inhaled corticosteroid medicine.

Long-acting bronchodilators should never be used to treat asthma attacks.

Asthma: The Importance of Controller Medicines

How can you safely give long-acting bronchodilator medicine to your child?

  • Have your child take medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor if you think your child is having a problem with his or her medicine.
  • Let your doctor know if your child has side effects from the medicine. These may include:
    • A sore throat and hoarseness.
    • A fast heartbeat.
    • Headache and dizziness.
    • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
    • Anxiety.
    • Nervousness or tremor (such as unsteady, shaky hands).

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