What is mallory-weiss tear?

Mallory-Weiss Tear

What are the symptoms of a Mallory-Weiss tear?

Symptoms may include:

  • Belly pain.
  • Vomiting blood.
  • Dark stools that look like tar or that contain dark red blood.

How is a Mallory-Weiss tear treated?

In most cases, the tear heals on its own in a few days. You may not need treatment.

If you do need treatment, you may have to stay in the hospital. Treatment may include:

  • Intravenous (I.V.) fluids to help prevent dehydration.
  • Medicines that block stomach acid.
  • Repair through an endoscope to stop the bleeding.
  • A blood transfusion to replace heavy blood loss.
  • Surgery (only in severe cases).

How is a Mallory-Weiss tear diagnosed?

You will have a physical exam by your doctor. You may also have blood tests. And you might have an endoscopy. This is a test that uses a thin, flexible, lighted viewing tool (endoscope) to allow a doctor to see the inside of the esophagus and stomach.

How can you care for yourself when you have a Mallory-Weiss tear?

Your doctor will give you the information you need to care for yourself at home. Follow the instructions for eating and activity. If your doctor prescribed medicines, take them as instructed. Drink enough fluids to stay hydrated. Choose water and other clear fluids. And go to any follow-up appointments.

What is a Mallory-Weiss tear?

A Mallory-Weiss tear is a tear in the lining of the esophagus, usually where it meets the stomach. (The esophagus is the tube that connects the throat to the stomach.) This kind of tear is most often caused by forceful vomiting.

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