

How can you care for yourself when you have mastoiditis?

  • Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
    • If the doctor prescribed medicine for pain, take it as prescribed.
    • If you aren't taking a prescription pain medicine, ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • Take your antibiotics as directed. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You need to take the full course of antibiotics.
  • Be careful if you are taking over-the-counter cold or flu medicines and Tylenol at the same time. Many of them have acetaminophen (Tylenol). Too much acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be harmful. Read labels to make sure that you're not taking more than the recommended dose.
  • Place a warm, moist washcloth on the ear to help relieve pain.
  • Ask your doctor if you need to take extra care to keep water from getting in your ears when bathing or swimming.

Mastoiditis in children: When to call

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • Your child has new or worse symptoms of infection, which may be an abscess. Signs of infection include:
    • Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness.
    • Red streaks leading from the area.
    • Pus draining from the area.
    • A fever.
  • Your child has a severe headache.
  • Your child has new hearing loss.
  • Your child can't move one side of their face.
  • Your child is dizzy or has vertigo.

Watch closely for changes in your child's health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • Your child does not get better as expected.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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