What is morphea?

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What is morphea?

Morphea is a condition that causes areas of the skin to change color. These patches may be round or oval or appear in a band or a strip with a purplish border. Over time, they may get lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. Patches can appear anywhere on the body.

Morphea usually affects the top layer of the skin. But it can also affect the fat, muscle, and bone beneath the patches of skin. This may cause pain and permanent scarring.

Morphea may be treated with medicine. In some cases, the patches can be treated with ultraviolet light therapy.

The patches may fade. New patches might appear. The scars don't go away. Severe cases can affect a person's muscles and joints and require more treatment.

What is morphea?

Morphea is a condition that causes areas of the skin to change color. It usually affects the top layer of the skin. But it can also scar the muscle and bone beneath these patches of skin. Morphea may be treated with medicine or light therapy.

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