What is non-small cell lung cancer?

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

What is non-small cell lung cancer?

Non-small cell is the most common type of lung cancer. It happens when abnormal cells grow out of control in the lungs. The cells form tumors and invade nearby tissue. It usually starts in the breathing (bronchial) tubes in the lungs.

What are the symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer?

The symptoms of early non-small cell lung cancer may include a cough that does not go away, chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, and fatigue. The symptoms of later stages can include swelling of the face and coughing up blood. They can also include bone pain, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, and weight loss.

How is non-small cell lung cancer diagnosed?

A biopsy and chest X-rays are used to diagnose non-small cell lung cancer. You may have a CT scan and other tests. Your doctor will also do a physical exam. The doctor will ask about your symptoms, your past health, if you smoke or have smoked, and any family history of cancer.

How is non-small cell lung cancer treated?

Treatment for non-small cell lung cancer is based on the stage of the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. The main treatments are:

Surgery may be an option if your doctor thinks all of the cancer can be removed. The doctor may remove just the tumor, the affected part of the lung, or one whole lung.
Radiation therapy.
This uses high-dose X-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It may be used with surgery or instead of surgery.

These medicines kill fast-growing cells, including cancer cells and some normal cells. Chemotherapy and radiation may be given together. (This is called chemoradiation.)

A very small tumor may be destroyed using highly focused light, heat, or cold.

Other options may include immunotherapy or targeted therapy. Sometimes a clinical trial may be a good choice.

Your doctor will talk with you about your options and then make a treatment plan.

How can you care for yourself when you have non-small cell lung cancer?

Taking medicines as prescribed and getting enough sleep may help you feel better. If it's hard to eat, talk to your doctor or a dietitian. Get some physical activity each day if you can. Consider joining a support group or talking with a counselor.

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