Occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy: Overview

Occupational therapy helps people with long-term conditions to live as independently as they can. These conditions include problems like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and COPD. The therapists use work, self-care, and recreational activities to help you.

In this therapy, you can:

  • Learn the best way to do daily tasks such as dressing, cooking, and eating.
  • Learn exercises to increase good posture, range of motion in your joints, and overall strength and flexibility.
  • Get help assessing your daily living needs and your home and work environments.
  • Learn about assistive devices. These devices include special key holders for stiff hands, computer-aided adaptive equipment, and wheelchairs.
  • Learn exercises to help stretch and strengthen your joints, especially your wrists and hands.
  • Learn how to protect your joints and save energy.

An occupational therapist can also fit you with splints to help your hands. And a therapist can guide family members and other caregivers on how they can best help.

Why is occupational therapy done?

Examples of the many different conditions and situations in which occupational therapy can help are:

  • Mental and physical impairments a person has had since birth.
  • Recovery and return to work after a work-related injury.
  • Sudden serious health conditions such as a stroke, heart attack, brain injury, or amputation.
  • Chronic (ongoing) conditions, such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Learning disabilities or developmental disabilities.
  • Mental health or behavioral issues such as Alzheimer's disease, post-traumatic stress, substance use disorder, and eating disorders.

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