What is pain management after leaving the hospital?

Pain Management After Leaving the Hospital

How can you manage your pain after you leave the hospital?

Your care team will give you instructions for managing pain at home. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Even simple activities can increase pain at first, so be careful. Let your friends and loved ones know how they can help. Tell your doctor if your pain isn't getting better.

How can you manage your pain after you leave the hospital?

Your care team at the hospital will tell you how to manage your pain at home. It's important to follow these instructions closely.

It might be hard to take it easy when you get home. But remember that even simple activities can increase pain at first. Friends and relatives often want to help but don't know what to do. Let them know what you need. It will make them happy and will help you.

Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Let your doctor know if your pain isn't getting better. If you were prescribed an opioid pain reliever, your care team will give you information on how to use it safely. You will also get instructions for how to safely store the medicine and get rid of any that's left over. Follow these instructions carefully.

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