What is patent foramen ovale?

Patent Foramen Ovale

Patent foramen ovale

The foramen ovale is an opening in the part of the heart that separates the upper right and left chambers (atria). In a fetus, this opening has a flap of tissue that acts like a one-way door—it allows blood to flow to the left side of the heart without going to the lungs, and it is kept open by the pressure of the blood that passes through it.

Normally, when the baby is born and takes the first breath, blood begins to flow through the lungs, and the foramen ovale closes within a few days. Sometimes, this opening remains open (patent) and is called a patent foramen ovale. A patent foramen ovale is also called a PFO.

A PFO usually does not cause problems.

If you do not have problems, such as a stroke, then typically no treatment is recommended.

A PFO might be treated if you had a stroke caused by a blood clot. Treatment includes a catheter procedure or surgery to close the opening in the heart.

How is a patent foramen ovale (PFO) treated?

Treatment is a catheter procedure or surgery to close the opening in the heart. This may be an option if you had a stroke caused by a blood clot that came from the heart. If a PFO doesn't cause problems, then you probably won't need treatment.

How is a patent foramen ovale (PFO) diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask you about your health history. You may also get some tests. These may include a special echocardiogram of your heart. This test uses bubbles and images to look for the hole in the septum of the heart.

What is patent foramen ovale (PFO)?

The foramen ovale is an opening that babies have in the septum of the heart between the upper right and left chambers (atria). Normally, this hole closes after birth. If it doesn't, it's called a patent foramen ovale. This usually doesn't cause issues. But sometimes it can lead to problems such as a stroke.

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