What is pectus (pectus excavatum)?

Pectus (Pectus Excavatum)

Pectus (pectus excavatum): Overview

Pectus excavatum is a problem with the cartilage that connects the bones of the chest. It looks like a dent in the center of the chest. Its cause isn't known. But it may be passed down in families.

Many people with mild pectus have no symptoms. Some people with more severe pectus may have trouble breathing, especially during exercise.

Most cases of pectus don't need treatment. In severe cases, surgery may be done. Non-surgical treatments are also offered.

What happens when you have pectus (pectus excavatum)?

Some people with pectus are born with it or develop it as teens. It may not be noticed until later, especially at puberty during growth spurts. If pectus is mild, it usually doesn't cause problems. If it's severe, you may have problems with your heart and lungs.

What are the symptoms of pectus (pectus excavatum)?

Many people with mild pectus have no symptoms. Some people with more severe pectus may have trouble breathing, especially during exercise. Or they may have chest pain.

How is pectus (pectus excavatum) treated?

Most cases of pectus don't need treatment. But in severe cases, surgery may be done.

If you need surgery, your doctor can talk with you about the procedures and their risks.

Your doctor may recommend exercise to help improve your breathing and your posture. But exercise won't cure pectus.

Some people with pectus may feel embarrassed about how their chest looks. They may have low self-esteem or even depression. If this happens, counseling may help.

How is pectus (pectus excavatum) diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask you questions about your health and do a physical exam. Tests may be done to see how serious the pectus is or to check for problems with your heart and lungs. You may also have tests if you're thinking about having surgery. These tests may include:

  • Lung function tests to check how well your lungs work. They may also be called pulmonary function tests, or PFTs.
  • MRI, X-rays, or CT scans.
  • An exercise or stress test to check your lungs.
  • An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) to see if you have an abnormal heart rhythm.
  • An echocardiogram (echo) to measure your heart function.

How can you care for yourself when you have pectus (pectus excavatum)?

Your doctor may recommend exercises. These may improve your breathing and your posture. But exercise won't cure pectus.

What is pectus (pectus excavatum)?

Pectus excavatum is a problem with the cartilage that connects the bones of the chest. It looks like a dent in the center of the chest. It also may be called pectus, funnel chest, or sunken chest. Pectus by itself isn't dangerous.

What causes pectus (pectus excavatum)?

The cause of pectus isn't known. It may be passed down in families. Some people who have it have other genetic conditions too.

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