What is postural kyphosis?

Postural Kyphosis

What are the symptoms of postural kyphosis?

The main symptom is that the back looks hunched over or rounded when the person is sitting or standing.

How is postural kyphosis treated?

Postural kyphosis doesn't need medical treatment. The rounding of the spine can be corrected with changes in posture. The doctor may suggest exercises to strengthen the muscles that help improve posture. The doctor may also suggest exercises to stretch areas that are tight from poor posture.

How is postural kyphosis diagnosed?

The doctor will ask about symptoms and do a physical exam. The doctor may take some X-rays to rule out other types of kyphosis or problems with the spine.

How can you care for yourself when you have postural kyphosis?

Self-care involves practicing better posture. A physical therapist can help you be aware of posture problems. They can also show you exercises to increase flexibility and strengthen your muscles so it's easier to have good posture. And you can arrange your work area to make sure you can sit up straight.

What causes postural kyphosis?

It's caused by poor posture, like slouching, while sitting or standing. For example, young people who are tall for their age or who have growth spurts before their peers may be more likely to slouch. This can cause the rounding of the back that's seen in postural kyphosis.

What is postural kyphosis?

Postural kyphosis is a rounding of the spine. It can make someone appear to have a hunched back. But people with postural kyphosis have a normal spine structure. If they focus on sitting or standing up straight, the rounding goes away. It's most common in teens, and it generally doesn't cause pain or future problems.

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