What is pseudobulbar affect?

Pseudobulbar Affect

Pseudobulbar affect (PBA)

Pseudobulbar affect (say “soo-doh-BUL-ber AFF-ect”) is a problem in the brain that causes you to cry or laugh for no reason. The sudden fits of tears or laughter may have nothing to do with what you're feeling. And you can't control them. This behavior can cause awkward social situations.

Normally, the “feel” and “express” parts of your brain work together. But with PBA, the expressive part of your brain can trigger behavior on its own. PBA can happen along with certain health problems that affect the brain, such as Parkinson's disease or damage from a stroke.

Living with PBA can be very stressful. Medicine can help improve PBA symptoms.

What are the symptoms of pseudobulbar affect (PBA)?

When you have PBA, you may suddenly cry or laugh for no reason and may have trouble controlling how long or intensely you cry or laugh. You may also feel none of the usual relief after crying or laughing.

How is pseudobulbar affect (PBA) treated?

PBA is treated with medicines that affect certain brain chemicals. These include antidepressant medicine and dextromethorphan-quinidine.

How is pseudobulbar affect (PBA) diagnosed?

Your doctor can diagnose PBA based on your symptoms and behavior, along with looking at your past health. PBA is sometimes mistaken for depression or bipolar disorder.

How can you care for yourself when you have pseudobulbar affect (PBA)?

Having PBA can be frustrating. Try to be patient and kind to yourself. Talk with people close to you about your condition. Ask for help when you need it. Consider joining a support group. It can help to talk to others who are dealing with the same problem.

What causes pseudobulbar affect (PBA)?

Brain damage from a stroke, brain tumor, or head trauma can lead to PBA. PBA can also happen along with such conditions as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, and dementia.

Normally, the "feel" and "express" parts of your brain work together. But with PBA, the expressive part of your brain can trigger behavior on its own. Laughing or crying can happen at any time, no matter what you're feeling.

What is pseudobulbar affect (PBA)?

Pseudobulbar affect (say "soo-doh-BUL-ber AFF-ect") is a problem in the brain that causes you to laugh or cry for no reason. Sudden fits of tears or laughter can come from nowhere. This behavior usually has nothing to do with what you're feeling. You can't control it.

Normally, the "feel" and "express" parts of your brain work together. But with PBA, the expressive part of your brain can trigger behavior on its own. This behavior tends to cause awkward social situations. Living with PBA can be very stressful.

PBA can happen along with certain health problems that affect the brain, such as Parkinson's disease or damage from a stroke. There is medicine that can help improve PBA symptoms.

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