What is resisted elbow flexion at shoulder level?

Resisted Elbow Flexion at Shoulder Level

Resisted elbow flexion at shoulder level

  1. Tie the ends of an exercise band together to form a loop. Attach one end of the loop to a secure object, or shut a door on it to hold it in place. Or you can tie a knot in one end of the band and shut the door with the knot on the other side. The band should be at shoulder level.
  2. Stand or sit facing where you have tied or fastened the band.
  3. Hold your affected arm straight out while holding the band in your hand with your palm facing in.
  4. Slowly bend your elbow to 90 degrees (like the letter "L), bringing your hand toward your forehead. Count to 2 as you pull the band toward your head.
  5. Count to 5 as you slowly return to your starting position.
  6. Repeat 8 to 12 times.
  7. It's a good idea to repeat these steps with your other arm.

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