A retinal detachment usually needs to be repaired quickly. You may not have much time to think about it.
The retina is a thin nerve membrane that lines the back of the eye. You can't see without it. Detachment means the retina has moved out of its normal place against the back of the eye.
Detachment can lead to severe vision loss or blindness. Prompt treatment can restore good vision.
Surgery is the only way to reattach the retina. There are many ways to do the surgery. They include:
If a tear in the retina caused the detachment, your doctor may fix it during your surgery. This can be done in two ways. The doctor may use:
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Surgery is the only way to reattach the retina. There are many ways to do the surgery. They include:
The doctor injects a gas bubble into the eyeball. The gas bubble lightly presses the detached retina to the wall of the eye. The eye doctor then uses a freezing probe or laser to seal the tear.
The doctor places a piece of silicone sponge, rubber, or semi-hard plastic on the outer layer of your eye and sews it in place. This relieves pulling on the retina and prevents tears from getting worse.
The doctor removes the vitreous gel from the eye. This gives the doctor better access to remove scar tissue from the retina, repair holes, and push the retina back onto the wall of the eye.
After surgery for retinal detachment, your doctor may give you specific instructions to help your eye recover.
You may need to rest and sleep with your head in a certain position. And you may be asked to wear an eye patch or use eyedrops.
Some types of surgery inject a small bubble of gas into the eye. If you have this kind of surgery, you may need to keep your head in a certain position for a few days or weeks so that the gas bubble won't move. And you may need to avoid airplane travel until your eye has healed and the bubble is gone. Changes in air pressure may cause pain and affect your eye.
If you have reduced vision, your doctor can help you learn ways to keep your independence and keep doing the activities you enjoy.
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