What is right torticollis rotation?

Right Torticollis Rotation
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Right torticollis rotation


If your baby's head tilts to the right and the chin points up to the left:

  1. Place your baby on their back on a changing table or a carpeted floor.
  2. Put one hand on your baby's left shoulder. This holds the shoulder down.
  3. Put your other hand across the left side of your baby's face (from the forehead to the chin).
  4. Gently and slowly rotate your baby's face toward your baby's right shoulder.
  5. Try to hold the position for at least 2 seconds. Then slowly let the head return to its resting position.
  6. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

You can also do this stretch by sitting your baby on your lap, facing away from you. To hold your baby's shoulders steady, put one of your arms across both of the baby's shoulders and hold the baby against your body. Then follow steps 3 through 6.

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