Sleep problems

Sleep Problems

What might cause poor sleeping?

Many things can cause sleep problems, including:

  • Changes to your sleep schedule.
  • Stress. Stress can be caused by fear about a single event, such as giving a speech. Or you may have ongoing stress, such as worry about work or school.
  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental or emotional conditions.
  • Changes in your sleep habits or surroundings. This includes changes that happen where you sleep, such as noise, light, or sleeping in a different bed. It also includes changes in your sleep pattern, such as having jet lag or working a late shift.
  • Health problems, such as pain, breathing problems, and restless legs syndrome.
  • Lack of regular exercise.
  • Using alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine before bed.

How can sleep problems affect you?

Having a few sleepless nights may leave you feeling tired and grumpy, but it probably won't affect your health. But when you don't sleep well night after night, you can have what's called sleep deprivation or sleep debt.

Not getting enough sleep can affect your energy and mood. Lack of sleep is linked with some chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and depression. It also can lead to injuries and accidents.

Lack of sleep affects your body in other ways too.

  • You may feel pain more easily.
  • Your risk for heart disease is higher.
  • Your immune system has a harder time fighting infection.
  • You may have mood swings.
  • You may have trouble learning, solving problems, and remembering.

Sleep Problems: Make a Plan to Power Down

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