What is stigma?

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How can you cope with stigma toward mental health conditions?

If you have a mental health condition, you may worry about what other people will think of you. People sometimes have negative views (stigma) about things they don't understand. Some people may believe things about mental health conditions that aren't true. Other people may have good intentions but still feel uncomfortable when they find out that you have a mental health condition.

Remember that there's nothing to feel ashamed of. Many people have mental health conditions. And many things may lead to a mental health condition.

Speak kindly to yourself, and use kind words to talk about your mental health condition to others. Learn about your condition so that you can understand the myths that might make you feel self-stigma. If you are comfortable doing so, you can offer to teach others about your mental health condition. When people understand it as a health condition, they can feel more educated and less fearful.

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