What is testicular pain?

Testicular Pain

How can you care for yourself when you have testicular pain?

  • Rest and protect your testicles and groin. Stop, change, or take a break from any activity that may be causing your pain or soreness.
  • Put ice or a cold pack on the area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin.
  • Wear briefs, not boxers. Briefs help support the injured area. You can use snug underwear or compression shorts if it helps relieve your pain.
  • If your doctor prescribed antibiotics, take them as directed. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You need to take the full course of antibiotics.
  • Ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve). Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
  • If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed.

When should you call for help?

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • You have severe or increasing pain.
  • You notice a change in how your testicles look or are positioned in your scrotum.
  • You notice new or worse swelling in your scrotum.
  • You have symptoms of a urinary problem, such as a urinary tract infection. These may include:
    • Pain or burning when you urinate.
    • A frequent need to urinate without being able to pass much urine.
    • Pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and above the waist on either side of the back.
    • Blood in your urine.
    • A fever.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • You do not get better as expected.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.