Transurethral microwave therapy (tumt)

Transurethral Microwave Therapy (TUMT)
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Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT)

Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) is a procedure to treat symptoms of prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH]). The procedure uses high temperature to kill tissue inside the prostate.

An instrument called an antenna is inserted into the urethra and guided to a location inside the prostate. The antenna sends out microwave energy to heat the inside of the prostate. Cooling fluid circulates around the microwave antenna to protect the wall of the urethra from heat damage.

As the treated tissue of the prostate heals, it shrinks, reducing the blockage of urine flow.

This treatment is done in a single session. It usually does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. A general or regional (spinal) anesthetic is needed during the procedure.

This therapy is also known as cooled thermal therapy or by the name of the equipment that is used.

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