What is tympanocentesis?


Tympanocentesis in children: Overview

Tympanocentesis is the removal of fluid from behind the eardrum. The doctor uses a special needle with a tube attached to collect the sample of fluid. A culture and sensitivity test is usually done on the sample of fluid.

Before the test, your child may get medicine to help relax. Or a doctor or nurse may apply medicine directly to the eardrum to numb the area. If there is a lot of earwax, it is removed from the ear before the test begins.

The child is held very still while the fluid is removed. You may be asked to help with holding your child still.

In most cases, the eardrum heals within 3 to 5 days after the procedure.

Why is tympanocentesis done for children?

This procedure is not often done. It is sometimes done:

  • When a child has severe earache, fever, and signs that an ear infection is not getting better with treatment.
  • When there are signs that a child has serious complications from an ear infection.
  • When an ear infection is suspected in a newborn or in a child with an impaired immune system, or when a person is suspected of having an unusual organism causing the ear infection.
  • As a treatment for a child with severe ear pain. Removal of fluid from behind the eardrum relieves pressure in the ear, easing pain. This may work better than medicines for ear pain.

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