Ulnar tunnel syndrome

Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

What is ulnar tunnel syndrome?

Ulnar tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the ulnar nerve at the wrist. This nerve is found on the pinkie-finger side of the wrist.

Overuse or repetitive use of your hands or wrist may cause swelling or thickening of the tissues close to the ulnar nerve. Swelling from a ganglion can also affect the ulnar nerve. Bicycle riders may develop ulnar tunnel syndrome from holding on to the handlebars.

What are the symptoms of ulnar tunnel syndrome?

Symptoms of ulnar tunnel syndrome include weakness, numbness and tingling, and pain in the ring finger, pinkie finger, or both.

How can you care for yourself when you have ulnar tunnel syndrome?

Treatment for ulnar tunnel syndrome includes:

  • Avoiding activities that cause the symptoms.
  • Applying ice.
  • Wearing a splint at night.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medicines.

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