What is urge incontinence in women?

Urge Incontinence in Women
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Urge incontinence: Overview

Urge incontinence is the accidental leaking of urine. It most often occurs when a person has a sudden, strong urge to urinate and can't get to the toilet in time. And some people may leak urine without warning.

Urge incontinence may be caused by blockage to the bladder outlet (such as from an enlarged prostate). It can also be caused by an overactive bladder. This makes a person feel the need to urinate often. Causes of urge incontinence include age-related changes, medical conditions such as stroke, and the side effects from medicines.

Treatments can help. They include pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegels), lifestyle changes (like losing weight and managing fluid intake), and bladder training. Medicines may also help. They include topical estrogen therapy and medicines that relax the muscles in the prostate and bladder. In some cases, surgery or other procedures may be needed.

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